Bill Babcock

Upgrading a Legacy Grid-tied, AC-coupled PV system

If you already know all about legacy AC-coupled, grid-connected Solar power installations you might want to skip down to the paragraph titled “Planning for Upgrades” and avoid all the background stuff. A somewhat sardonic capsule history: Roof-mounted AC-coupled grid-connected PV systems are now considered legacy systems. Installed by companies at great expense for people who

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Solar Electric Glossary

The neverending Solar Glossary I’m starting a glossary of solar electrical terms that I will continuously add to as long as new terms that seem worth defining pop up. It may seem that the terms used are just to confuse you, but really, any technical endeavor acquires jargon so that professionals can understand exactly what

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Watkins Glen

20 June 2007As my friend Tony Garmey says: “Boys need not apply”. Lots of pucker factor at the Glen. It’s easy to wad your car up into a little ball, as numerous people did this weekend. It was a strange event – HSR is really weird. At least half the cars on the track were

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